Colour in Interiors

The Decorative Arts Courses I offer include:- The Art and Craft of Papier Mache, The Joy of Decoupage, Basic Gilding, 'Drawing from the Right side of the Brain' , Furniture Painting and Mosaics. Interested in hosting a course at your home? I will consider 'one to one' or up to four people including host. Courses can be one or two days OR a morning/afternoon a week etc. Contact Christine for details - or on

Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors
Colour in Interiors